state province algeria

The report noted the refugee population included Syrians, (an estimated 85 percent), Yemenis, Congolese, Ivoirians, Palestinians, Malians, Central Africans, and other nationalities. Under French One of the smaller areas of land can be called a state or a province. There was no evidence of any pattern of discrimination toward asylum applicants, but the lack of a formal asylum system made this difficult to assess. Algeria's fertility rate experienced an unexpected upturn in the early 2000s, as the average woman's age at first marriage dropped slightly. Some observers, including government-appointed human rights officials, attributed overcrowding in pretrial detention facilities to continued overuse of pretrial detention, despite reforms in 2015 that sought to reduce the practice. President of the Constitutional Council Mourad Medelci announced voter participation in the elections was just under 51 percent, a sharp drop from the slightly more than 74 percent turnout during the previous presidential election in 2009. Exploiters of child labor used methods allegedly learned via the internet to increase their mistreatment of children. Some terrorist groups remained active in the country, including al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and an ISIS affiliate, Jund al-Khilafah. ), improved: urban: 99.6% of populationrural: 98.8% of populationtotal: 99.4% of populationunimproved: urban: 0.4% of populationrural: 1.2% of populationtotal: 0.6% of population (2020 est. List of Algerian provinces by population This article has been translated from the Sexual Exploitation of Children: The law prohibits solicitation for prostitution and stipulates prison sentences of between 10 and 20 years when the offense is committed against a minor under age 18. Although this accreditation is required to operate legally, the vast majority of foreign media were not accredited. )exports of goods and services: 23.6% (2017 est. Womens groups reported that the majority of reported cases of harassment occurred in the workplace. The court appearance of suspects in terrorism cases is public. Religious workers reported that they had access to prisoners during the year and authorities allowed detainees access to religious observance. For example, female migrants were subjected to debt bondage as they worked to repay smuggling debts through domestic servitude, forced begging, and forced prostitution. The subdivisions were to the ), improved: urban: 98.3% of populationrural: 91.3% of populationtotal: 96.5% of populationunimproved: urban: 1.7% of populationrural: 8.7% of populationtotal: 3.5% of population (2020 est. The law provides that foreigners may be required to furnish bail as a condition of release on provisional liberty status, while Algerian citizens may be released on provisional liberty without posting bail. According to statistics from womens advocacy groups published in the local press, between 100 and 200 women died each year from domestic violence. Penalties for unlawful work stoppages range from eight days to two months imprisonment. You can add more than one country or area. Notably, terrorists killed seven soldiers in an ambush on July 30 in Skikda. On July 13, the Ministry of Justice removed a public prosecutor and his deputy from a court in Boudouaou for their alleged involvement in the legal proceedings following the discovery of 701 kilograms of cocaine in the port of Oran on May 29. Defendants have the right to be present during their trial but may be tried in absentia if they do not respond to a summons ordering their appearance. It requires national-level civil organizations to apply to the Ministry of Interior for permission to operate. In all other criminal cases, pretrial detention may not exceed four months. Algeria, the second-largest state in Africa, has a Mediterranean coastline of about 998 kilometers (620 mi.). 1902, because of border adjustments in desert areas. Government officials did not take measures specifically to prevent discrimination against LGBTI persons. While the constitution provides for the separation of powers between the executive and judicial branches of government, the executive branchs broad statutory authorities limited judicial independence. Thousands of Algerian peasants - mainly Berber men from the Kabylia region - faced with land dispossession and economic hardship under French rule migrated temporarily to France to work in manufacturing and mining during the first half of the 20th century. The repatriations were conducted in coordination with consular officials from the countries of origin of the migrants, but the migrants were not permitted to challenge their removal. Several candidates withdrew from the race, claiming that the outcome was a foregone conclusion. U.S. imports from Algeria grew from $4.7 billion in 2002 to $10.8 billion in 2005, primarily in oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG). Opposition candidate Benflis rejected the results and claimed that fraud marred the elections. which in turn were subdivided into communes. 1959-11-07: Aumale and Bougie departments abolished and restored to their original departments, except that Few government officials made their personal wealth public, and there was no known enforcement of the law. Attempts by new unions to form federations or confederations suffered similar challenges. Security forces dispersed political opposition rallies and interfered with the right to organize. ), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 81.4%male: 87.4%female: 75.3% (2018), total: 31.9%male: 27.8%female: 54% (2021 est. 1980: Name of El Asnam department and its capital changed to Ech Chliff, later spelled Chlef. According to his lawyers, authorities have not provided any evidence to support the charges. During the year, the CNDH organized seminars and workshops on topics such as penitentiary reform and trafficking in persons. The ILO tried to visit during the year but had to cancel the visit when the government was unable to guarantee that they would be able to meet with independent trade unions. 1845-04-24: By ordinance, Algeria was divided into three provinces. For example, the General Union of Algerian Workers (UGTA), which represented a majority of public-sector workers, is an affiliate of the International Trade Union Confederation. Arabic al-Jazairiya from capital city Algiers, which comes from Arabic al-jaza`ir: the islands, for four On May 14, local authorities prohibited a gathering by novelist Hiba Tayda in Tizi Ouzou. The Ministry of National Solidarity, Family, and the Status of Women provided some financial support to health-care-oriented NGOs, but for many NGOs, such financial support represented a small fraction of their budgets. )permanent crops: 0.4% (2018 est. Other refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants had access to free public hospitals, but independent NGOs reported instances of migrants turned away. Government Human Rights Bodies: In 2016 the government replaced the National Consultative Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (CNCPPDH) with the CNDH. The Ministry of Justice did not provide information on the percentage of defamation claims that originated from private citizens, as opposed to government officials. The majority of the ministrys programs for children with disabilities remained in social centers for children with disabilities rather than in formal educational institutions. ), 27.5% of GDP (2017 est. Also note that diacritical marks may be different, depending on the method of transliteration used. The committee was empowered to propose measures and laws to address child labor as well as conduct awareness campaigns. Prescribed penalties under this statute range from three to 20 years imprisonment, which were sufficiently stringent and commensurate with those prescribed for other serious crimes, such as rape. The Ministry of National Solidarity, Family, and Women leads a national committee composed of 12 ministries and NGOs that meets yearly to discuss child labor issues. were ill-defined. ), production: 87,853,976,000 cubic meters (2019 est. The constitution provides workers with the right to join and form unions of their choice, provided they are citizens. [4] The American Oxford Atlas. The ministrys Media Directorate is responsible for issuing and renewing accreditations to foreign media outlets operating in the country. ), total: 21% (2020 est. In February the Ministry for National Solidarity, Family, and Women and UN Women launched an administrative database, named AMANE, to collect information on violence against women. Intelligence activities fall under three intelligence directorates reporting to a presidential national security counselor and performing functions related specifically to internal, external, and technical security. The resulting division was as shown below. Algiers, the capital and most populous city is located in the far north of the country. Most detainees had prompt access to a lawyer of their choice as accorded by law, and the government provided legal counsel to indigent detainees. LGBTI persons faced discrimination in accessing health services. )percent of municipal solid waste recycled: 8% (2013 est. Muslim (official; predominantly Sunni) 99%, other (includes Christian, Jewish, Ahmadi Muslims, Shia Muslims, Ibadi Muslims) <1% (2012 est.). The law provides for sentences of one to 20 years imprisonment for domestic violence and six months to two years incarceration for men who withhold property or financial resources from their spouses. important position as a lingua franca, and place names have continued to be written in the Roman alphabet using French the same name, with a status nominally equal to the departments of European France. Most trials are public, except when the judge determines the proceedings to be a threat to public order or morals. The penal code guarantees defendants the right to free interpretation as necessary. ), municipal solid waste generated annually: 12,378,740 tons (2016 est. These groups targeted security services personnel in periodic but small-scale attacks. Most major opposition parties lost seats in the elections, and several parties claimed the results were significantly altered by fraud. The law also stipulates penalties that include imprisonment of two months to two years and fines of DZD 500 to DZD 2,000 ($4.25 to $17) for anyone convicted of having committed a homosexual act. If a minor is involved, the adult may face up to three years imprisonment and a fine of DZD 10,000 ($85). Former president Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA, with the backing of the military, won the presidency in 1999 in an election that was boycotted by several candidates protesting alleged fraud, and won subsequent elections in 2004, 2009, and 2014. The government allowed international observation of the elections but did not permit local civil society organizations to do the same. arrondissement of Batna department. The ministry did not renew the accreditations of the NGOs SOS Disparus (SOS Disappeared), Djazairouna, the LADDH, the National Association for the Fight Against Corruption, and the Youth Action Movement, all of which submitted their renewal applications in prior years. Constantine, and Oran, after their capitals. ), potatoes, wheat, milk, watermelons, barley, onions, tomatoes, oranges, dates, vegetables, petroleum, natural gas, light industries, mining, electrical, petrochemical, food processing, agriculture: 10.8%industry: 30.9%services: 58.4% (2011 est. An Defla split from Chlef; An Tmouchent split from Sidi Bel Abbs; Bordj Bou Arrridj split from Stif; The DGSNs human rights office, created in July 2017, reported that it was leading seminars and workshops with the National Human Rights Council to provide additional human rights training to its officers. administration, the country was divided into dpartements (departments), which were subdivided into arrondissements, Organizations wishing to initiate regular publications must obtain authorization from the government. )transmission/distribution losses: 9.897 billion kWh (2019 est. NGOs also indicated that some migrants were denied treatment at healthcare facilities. Members of the LGBTI community reported that forced marriage was a problem, particularly for lesbian women. )agricultural: 6.671 billion cubic meters (2017 est. )subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 104 (2020 est. If domestic violence results in death, a judge can prescribe a life sentence. Coordinator for the Arctic Region; Algeria has struggled to develop non-hydrocarbon industries because of heavy regulation and an emphasis on state-driven growth. The ministry has not confirmed receipt of fine payment. The Ministry of National Solidarity, Family, and Women said 60 percent of the recipients of government microcredit loans for small businesses were women. 1977-01-12, returning a population of 17,273,000, according to this source. The law permits polygamy only upon the agreement of the previous and future wife, and the determination of a judge as to the husbands financial ability to support an additional wife. In 2016 the government created a High Independent Election Monitoring Body, charged with monitoring elections and investigating allegations of irregularities. Oct. 13: Algerian troops killed two Islamist militants in an ambush in Oued Zehour in the Skikda region. This table shows the resulting subdivision of Algeria. )$471.223 billion (2020 est. Many Algerians legally entered Tunisia without visas claiming to be tourists and then stayed as workers. The Wassila Network noted this number is a fraction of actual cases since victims of domestic violence rarely report the abuse to authorities because of the forgiveness clause stipulated in the legal code. The government may restrict strikes on a number of grounds, including economic crisis, obstruction of public services, or the possibility of subversive actions. Arabic (official), French (lingua franca), Berber or Tamazight (official); dialects include Kabyle Berber (Taqbaylit), Shawiya Berber (Tacawit), Mzab Berber, Tuareg Berber (Tamahaq)major-language sample(s): (Arabic)The World Factbook, the indispensable source for basic information. Government officials monitored political meetings. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and other NGOs criticized the governments use of the law to restrict peaceful assembly. Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. There were no reports that the government granted refugee status and asylum to new refugee applicants during the year. The Wassila Network described situations in which a victim went to police to report a domestic violence incident and family members convince the victim to forgive the aggressor, resulting in no charges to the aggressor. The government has mechanisms to investigate and punish abuses, but the government did not always provide public information on disciplinary or legal action against police, military, or other security force personnel. Although several total petroleum systems may exist within the Illizi Province, only one composite total petroleum system is identified. Algeria has known many empires and dynasties starting with the ancient Numidians (3rd century B.C. After the most recent The Ministry of Labor is responsible for enforcing child labor laws and refers violators to the Ministry of Justice for prosecution. )crude oil and lease condensate imports: 4,100 bbl/day (2018 est. Update 15 to the GEC, the successor to the FIPS standard, is dated 2014-03-31. WebAlgeria is divided into 48 wilayas (provinces), 553 daras (circles; see [Districts of Algeria]]) and 1541 baladiyahs (municipalities, in French: commune). Citing the threat of terrorism, the government also prevented overland tourist travel between the southern cities of Tamanrasset, Djanet, and Illizi. Unions have the right to form and join federations or confederations, and the government recognized four confederations. The law stipulates that detainees should immediately be able to contact a family member and receive a visit, or to contact an attorney. The ministry stated that it worked with the Ministry of Education to integrate children with disabilities into public schools to promote inclusion. into arrondissements, communes, and districts (civilian commisariats). The country joined the Human Rights Council in 2014 but continued to deny requests for visits from the UN special rapporteurs on extrajudicial executions (pending since 1998) and counterterrorism and human rights (pending since 2006), the UN Working Group on arbitrary detention (pending since 2009), and the UN Security Council Mali Panel of Experts on Sanctions (since 2016). by | May 25, 2022 | camden county ga school schedule | cindy deangelis grossman pictures | May 25, 2022 | ), 2.902 million ALGIERS (capital), 936,000 Oran (2022), at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female0-14 years: 1.05 male(s)/female15-24 years: 1.05 male(s)/female25-54 years: 1.03 male(s)/female55-64 years: 1 male(s)/female65 years and over: 0.75 male(s)/femaletotal population: 1.03 male(s)/female (2022 est. ), total: 19.72 deaths/1,000 live birthsmale: 21.77 deaths/1,000 live birthsfemale: 17.55 deaths/1,000 live births (2022 est. Last Updated: March 27, 2018 You are about to leave for an external website that is not maintained by the U.S. Department of State. The law prohibits discrimination with respect to employment, salary, and work environment based on age, gender, social and marital status, family links, political conviction, disability, national origin and affiliation with a union. A person released from custody following a dismissal or acquittal may apply to a civil commission to seek compensation from the government for particular and particularly severe harm caused by pretrial detention. Foreign Travel: The constitution states that the right to enter and exit the country is provided to citizens. Note: in the 1998 census data, the sum of the province populations is 2 less than the reported total for Algeria. It ranks 16th in proven oil reserves. )from petroleum and other liquids: 57.867 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 est. LGBTI status is not, in itself, criminalized; however, LGBTI persons may face criminal prosecution under legal provisions concerning prostitution, public indecency, and associating with bad characters. This decree requires all applications to include a full copy of the text and other detailed information. The Government of Algeria in 1988 instituted a multi-party system in response to public unrest, but the surprising first round success of the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) in the December 1991 legislative elections led the Algerian army to intervene and postpone the second round of elections to prevent what the secular elite feared would be an extremist-led government from assuming power. The law prohibits all forms of forced or compulsory labor. Police arrested protesters throughout the year for violating the law against unregistered public gatherings. ), household consumption: 42.7% (2017 est. The Information and Documentation Center on the Rights of Children and Women, a network of local organizations that promoted the rights of women, managed call centers in 15 provinces. Presidential elections took place in 2014, and voters re-elected President Abdelaziz Bouteflika for a fourth term. According to the Ministry of Interior, in September there were 70 registered political parties. Convicted terrorists had the same rights as other inmates but were held in prisons of varying degrees of security, determined by the danger posed by the prisoners. The constitution provides citizens the ability to choose their government in free and fair periodic elections held by secret ballot and based on universal and equal suffrage. Algeria is divided into 48 wilayat (provinces; sing. Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, List of Algerian provinces by area This article has been translated from the However, the French language has continued to occupy an Child Abuse: Child abuse was illegal but was a serious problem. Restrictions on freedom of assembly and association as well as restrictions on political party activities inhibited the activity of opposition groups. In September 2017 Algerian National Front party leader Moussa Touati stated that his party paid bribes in order to secure its single seat in parliament. The United Nations or Other International Bodies: The government extended an invitation to the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances in 2014 and again in 2015, but no visit occurred. Several members were arrested on September 13 in Bejaia, including the leader of political party Jil Jadid, Soufiane Djilali. In January 2018 the government imposed an indefinite suspension on the importation of roughly 850 products, subject to periodic review. Algeria has not increased non-hydrocarbon exports, and hydrocarbon exports have declined because of field depletion and increased domestic demand. Argel (Portuguese, Spanish); Dzayer, Djezar (variant); (Russian), Annaba: Anaba (Portuguese, Spanish); Bona (Portuguese-obsolete, Spanish-obsolete); Bne (obsolete), Bjaa: Bougie, Bedjaya (French); Bidjaia (variant); Bugia (Italian); Bujia (Portuguese-obsolete), Blida: El Boulada, al-Boulaida (variant), Bordj Bou Arrridj: Bordj Bou Ariridj, Borj Bou Arreridj (variant), Chlef: El Asnam, Orlansville (obsolete); Chelif, Ech Cheliff (variant), Constantine: Constantina (Portuguese, Spanish); Costatina (Italian); Qoussantina, Qacentina (Arabic), El Bayadh: El Bayad, El Beyyadh (variant); Gryville (obsolete), Illizi: Polignac, Fort Polignac (obsolete); Ilizi (variant), Jijel: Djidjel (variant); Djidjelli (obsolete), Oasis: Osis Saharianos (Portuguese); Oasis Sahariennes (variant); Saharan Oases (English), Oran: Orn (Spanish); Orano (Italian); Oro (Portuguese); Ouahran, Ouahrane, Wahran (variant), Oum el Bouaghi: Oum el Bouagui (variant); Canrobert (obsolete), Skikda: Philippeville (obsolete); Skidda (variant), Tamanrasset: Tamanghasset, Tamenghasset, Tamenghest (variant); Fort Laperrine (obsolete), Tlemcen: Tilimsene, Tlemsane, Tilimsen (variant); Tremecm (Portuguese-obsolete). )imports of goods and services: -35.8% (2017 est. 1956-06-28: The three northern departments of 1955 were restored and given the status of igamies. There were no reports that the government or its agents committed arbitrary or unlawful killings. Political Parties and Political Participation: The Ministry of Interior must approve political parties before they may operate legally. Advocacy groups reported that children with disabilities rarely attended school past the secondary level. )carbon dioxide emissions: 150.01 megatons (2016 est. Algeria Telephone: (213) 770-08-2000 Emergency after-hours telephone: (213) 770-08-2200 Fax: 0770-08-2299 Email: Many place names were changed. Hierarchical administrative subdivision codes, Journal Officiel de la Rpublique Financial Disclosure: The law stipulates that all elected government officials and those appointed by presidential decree must declare their assets the month they commence their jobs, if there is substantial change in their wealth while they are in office, and at the end of their term. Press reported 107 protestors were injured along with 51 police and gendarmes. Media reporting and public opinion viewed the absence of charges against the most senior of government officials as an indication of impunity for government officials. The government monitored certain email and social media sites. )note: data cover central government debt as well as debt issued by subnational entities and intra-governmental debt, -$4.608 billion (2021 est. Section 1. Women did not often have exclusive control over assets that they brought to a marriage or that they earned. The government restricted licenses to political parties, NGOs, and other groups to hold indoor rallies or delayed permission until the eve of the event, thereby impeding publicity and outreach efforts by organizers. According to the law, political parties may not receive direct or indirect financial or material support from any foreign parties. The law provides sentences of six months to five years in prison and fines between DZD 50,000 and DZD 500,000 ($425 and $4,252) for users who do not comply with the law, including the obligation to cooperate with law enforcement authorities against cybercrime. The law also bans political party ties to nonpolitical associations and regulates party financing and reporting requirements. The law does not explicitly include this provision. SNAPAP and other independent unions faced government interference throughout the year, including official obstruction of general assembly meetings and police harassment during sit-in protests. He was charged with sharing intelligence with a foreign power.. The Ministry of Labor audited 218 organizations and found that 89 companies did not respect the 1-percent quota. In 2017 the ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations reiterated that the lengthy registration process seriously impedes the establishment of new unions. II, United Nations, New The government said it did not take measures to specifically prevent and treat HIV/AIDS in the LGBTI community. ), fossil fuels: 98.9% of total installed capacity (2020 est. During a media interview, Omar Belhouchet, the editor ofEl Watan, an independent daily newspaper, said that media companies self-censor regarding certain topics. )from coal and metallurgical coke: 352,000 metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 est. Ouled-Djellal arrondissement from Aumale department merged with Barika arrondissement of Stif department to become Barika According to the Ministry of Justice, approximately 12 percent of the prison population was in pretrial detention. Official assert that the law covers LGBTI individuals through general civil and human rights legislation. The government said that it maintained a policy of not removing migrants registered with UNHCR, and that in a few cases it worked with UNHCR to return registered refugees who were mistakenly removed. ), general assessment: Algeria has a steadily developing telecom infrastructure with growth encouraged by supportive regulatory measures and by government policies aimed at delivering serviceable internet connections across the country; mobile broadband is largely based on 3G and LTE, and the data rates are also low in global terms; LTE is available in all provinces, investment is required from the mobile network operators (MNOs) to improve the quality of service; the state has previously been hesitant to commit to 5G, instead encouraging the MNOs to undertake upgrades to LTE infrastructure before investing in commercial 5G services; in March 2022, the state is in the process of freeing up the requisite spectrum to enable the MNOs to launch 5G services sometime this year; fixed internet speeds remain slow (2022)domestic: a limited network of fixed-lines with a teledensity of slightly less than 11 telephones per 100 persons has been offset by the rapid increase in mobile-cellular subscribership; mobile-cellular teledensity was approximately 104 telephones per 100 persons in 2020 (2020)international: country code - 213;ALPAL-2 is a submarine telecommunications cable system in the Mediterranean Sea linking Algeria and the Spanish Balearic island of Majorca;ORVAL is a submarine cable to Spain; landing points for the TE North/TGN-Eurasia/SEACOM/SeaMeWe-4 fiber-optic submarine cable system that provides links to Europe, the Middle East, and Asia; MED cable connecting Algeria with France;microwave radio relay to Italy, France, Spain, Morocco, and Tunisia;Algeria part of the 4,500 Km terrestrial Trans Sahara Backbone network which connects to other fiber networks in the region; Alcomstat-1 satellite offering telemedicine network (2020)note: the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a significant impact on production and supply chains globally; since 2020, some aspects of the telecom sector have experienced a downturn, particularly in mobile device production; progress toward 5G implementation has resumed, as well as upgrades to infrastructure; consumer spending on telecom services has increased due to the surge in demand for capacity and bandwidth; the crucial nature of telecom services as a tool for work and school from home is still evident, and the spike in this area has seen growth opportunities for development of new tools and increased services, state-run Radio-Television Algerienne operates the broadcast media and carries programming in Arabic, Berber dialects, and French; use of satellite dishes is widespread, providing easy access to European and Arab satellite stations; state-run radio operates several national networks and roughly 40 regional radio stations, total: 27,626,157 (2020 est. 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An indefinite suspension on the importation of roughly 850 products, subject to periodic...., as the average state province algeria 's age at first marriage dropped slightly and association as well restrictions... On the method of transliteration used the importation of roughly 850 products subject... Prohibits all forms of forced or compulsory labor sharing intelligence with a foreign power evidence to support the.... Were restored and given the status of igamies industries because of field depletion and increased domestic.! Metallurgical coke: 352,000 metric tonnes of CO2 ( 2019 est harassment occurred in the 1998 census data the...

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state province algeria