lenni lenape symbols

The Moravian Lenape who settled permanently in Ontario after the American Revolutionary War were sometimes referred to as "Christian Munsee", as they mostly spoke the Munsee branch of the Lenape language. Find GIFs with the latest and newest hashtags! Modern scientific scholarship has shown that in fact two linguistic groups representing two distinct Algonquian cultural identities lived on the island, not "13 individual tribes" as asserted by Wood. Frantz, Donald G. and Norma Jean Russell. The tribe lost federal recognition in a 2004 court ruling in favor of the Cherokee Nation but regained it on July 28, 2009. [85], Many Lenape participated in the exploration of the western United States, working as trappers with the mountain men, and as guides and hunters for wagon trains. In return, Killbuck requested that the Americans build a fort near the major village of Coshocton, to provide the Lenape with protection from potential attacks by British-allied Indians and Loyalists. [20] There is some disagreement within the Lenape Nation on whether the language should be taught as adapted to the times or taught as historically accurate. The wall was constructed in 1660 around what is today known as Wall Street. Our symbol represents Turtle Island; our land developed on a Turtle's back. In Travel they lodge in the Woods about a Great Fire, with the Mantle of Duffills they wear by day, wrapt about them, and a few Boughs stuck round them. The Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation are native families from southern NJ and the Delmarva Peninsula who remained in our ancestral homeland . They also defined other things, such as which set number of the twelve Mantuwk (Spirits) assisted you on your path in life. [50] Some of their place names, such as Manhattan ("the island of many hills"[51]), Raritan, and Tappan were adopted by Dutch and English colonists to identify the Lenape people that lived there. Lenni-Lenape Land Acknowledgment The land upon which Rowan University is situated is part of the traditional territory of the Lenni-Lenape, called "Lenapehoking." The Lenape People lived in harmony with one another upon this territory for thousands of years. [18], The nation, led by Professor Shelley DePaul of Swarthmore College, is researching and revamping the Lenape language for future generations to more easily learn. Throughout time, the snake has been the Lenni-Lenape symbol for the enemy. In the 1860s, the United States government sent most Lenape remaining in the Eastern United States to the Indian Territory, which is in present-day Oklahoma and surrounding regions, under the Indian removal policy. His new colony effectively displaced many Lenape and forced others to adapt to new cultural demands. The Lenape have a matrilineal clan system and historically were matrilocal. 33, thesis, Princeton University, 1978. Repsher, Donald R. "Indian Place Names in Bucks County". In its conclusion the court stated: " we find that the Delaware Nation's aboriginal rights to Tatamy's Place were extinguished in 1737 and that, later, fee title to the land was granted to Chief Tatamynot to the tribe as a collectivity."[100]. Sagundai volunteered to carry the message through some 2,200 kilometres of hostile territory. Because the extinguishment occurred prior to the passage of the first Indian Nonintercourse Act in 1790, that Act did not avail the Lenape. [citation needed] The two groups were sometimes bitter enemies since before recorded history, but intermarriage occurred and both groups have an oral history suggesting they jointly came east together and displaced the mound builders culture. In 1854, Congress passed the KansasNebraska Act, which created the Territory of Kansas and opened the area for white settlement. The inclusion of these girls reflects the gender dynamics of Lenni-Lenape society. Next with more distant neighbors who spoke the same dialect; and ultimately, with all those in the surrounding area who spoke mutually comprehensible languages, including the Nanticoke people, who lived to their south and west in present western Delaware and eastern Maryland, and the Munsee, who lived to their north. A treaty with the remaining Lnape and a few other tribes was negotiated in 1843 at Fort Bird and the Lenape were enlisted to help him make peace with the Comanche. [28] Dutch settler David de Vries, who stayed in the area from 1634 to 1644, described a Lenape hunt in the valley of the Achinigeu-hach (or "Ackingsah-sack", the Hackensack River), in which one hundred or more men stood in a line many paces from each other, beating thigh bones on their palms to drive animals to the river, where they could be killed easily. [11] Within a marriage itself, men and women had relatively separate and equal rights, each controlling their own property and debts, showing further signs of a woman's power in the hierarchical structure.[28]. Archaeological excavations have found Lenape burials that included identifiably ethnic Iroquois remains interred along with those of Lenape. His actions helped save the fort, but the Americans abandoned it in August 1779. In 1761, Killbuck led a British supply train from Fort Pitt to Fort Sandusky. On the west side, the Lenape lived in numerous small towns along the rivers and streams that fed the waterways, and likely shared the hunting territory of the Schuylkill River watershed with the rival Iroquoian Susquehannock. Now I see what there is in a name, a word, liquid, sane, unruly, musical, self-sufficient, They exchanged these furs for Dutch and, from the late 1630s, also Swedish imports. "Delaware Indians" and "Delaware people" redirect here. 7 The women were of medium stature. The Lenni-Lenape (or simply "Lenape") are the ancient root of many other American Indian nations. [11], Members of each clan were found throughout Lenape territory and clan lineage was traced through the mother. In terms of social structure, the Lenape followed a matrilineal system in which children traced their lineage through their mothers side. As a result, the court granted the Commonwealth's motion to dismiss. The other monument, in Battery Park, was gifted by the Dutch government to the state of New York in 1926. [84] Anderson, Indiana, is named after Chief William Anderson, whose father was Swedish. Their flag carries many symbols that reflect their culture. The British made plans to attack Fort Laurens in early 1779 and demanded that the neutral Lenape formally side with the British. Registration is required. The Original People (Lenni-Lenape) inhabited New Jersey long before the Europeans arrived. In the eighteenth century, Lenni-Lenape women had rights and decision-making power in their communities that English women were denied. They had to travel west in 1700s. Penn expected his authority and that of the colonial government to take precedence. As a further complication in communication and understanding, kinship terms commonly used by European settlers had very different meanings to the Lenape: "fathers" did not have the same direct parental control as in Europe, "brothers" could be a symbol of equality but could also be interpreted as one's parallel cousins, "cousins" were interpreted as only cross-cousins, etc. Its primary function is translating words, sentences, and phrases from English to Lenape or vice versa. Penn gained a reputation for benevolence and tolerance, but his efforts resulted in more effective colonization of the ancestral Lenape homeland than previous ones.[61]. Women played a significant role in the upbringing and education of their children and were also typically in charge of land and territory rights. Long before high rise buildings and endless concrete sidewalks, New York City was truly an idyllic island, scattered with hills and marshland and teeming with plant and wildlife. Wigwam is the word for house in the Abenaki tribe. The Lenni Lenape, or Delaware Indians, are divided into two distinct Tribes in western and eastern Oklahoma. As in the case of the Iroquois and Susquehannocks, the animosity of differences and competitions spanned many generations, and in general tribes with each of the different language groups became traditional enemies in the areas they'd meet. Rainbow Crow, a Lenape Legend Mnka'has: Lenni Lenape myths about the origin of fire. The Good Looking Woman: The Pretty Maiden: Lenape legends about a girl punished for her . They defeated the Lenape, and some scholars believe that the Lenape may have become tributaries to the Susquehannock. [41][28] The Lenape also adorned themselves with various ornaments made of stone, shell, animal teeth, and claws. [47] They also apply a poultice of pulverized nuts with sweet oil for earache.[48]. At the time of European contact in the early 1600s, the Lenape were estimated to number over 20,000 people. Specifically, the Tribe alleged, the GAO had been advised that New Jersey . [44] These gender-split rules highlight how a woman's role in Lenape society was harmonious to a man's role, rather than acquiescent. Mitchell, S. H. Internet Archive The Indian Chief, Journeycake. [11], By 1682, when William Penn arrived to his American commonwealth, the Lenape had been so reduced by disease, famine, and war that the sub-clan mothers had reluctantly resolved to consolidate their families into the main clan family. They were granted lands in Indian Territory in exchange for lands on the James Fork of the White River in Missouri. "Indian Set Fires in the Forests of the Northeastern United States.". For example, when a plot of land became infertile, the Lenape would clear cut any remaining vegetation and burn it away. He sought the services of the friendly Lenape and, in 1837, enlisted several Lenape to protect the frontier from hostile western tribes. Women planted, harvested the crops, and cooked the meals. They lived peacefully in their tribes, but their troubles began when the European settlers arrived. One is in Inwood Hill. Flashcards. As the Lenape were not considered United States citizens, they had no access to the courts and no way to enforce their property rights. [citation needed] Among many Algonquian peoples along the East Coast, the Lenape were considered the "grandfathers" from whom other Algonquian-speaking peoples originated. The land the Lenape occupied was formed when a large tortoise raised its back out of the water and became land. The Original Residents of New Jersey By Taylor Smith T he "grandfathers" or "ancient ones" as the Lenni-Lenape people are known, were the historic inhabitants of large swaths of the Northeastern United States. [citation needed], The Cherokee Nation filed suit to overturn the independent federal recognition of the Lenape. At the east is a turkey claw . Now I see what there is in a name, a word, liquid, sane, unruly, musical, self-sufficient. Tammany and Penn reportedly maintained good relations, feasting together, visiting one anothers homes, and trading goods. [11] Iroquoians adopting Lenape (or other peoples) were known to be part of their religious beliefs, the adopted one taking the place in the clan of one killed in warfare. Jennie Bobb, and her daughter, Nellie Longhat, both Delaware (Lenape), Oklahoma, 1915. The Dutch finally established a garrison at Bergen, which allowed settlement west of the Hudson within the province of New Netherland. 100 Black Fox Wulalowe Black Snake Sukachgook Blameless One Kschiechelensin Blamelessly, He Who Lives Blamelessly Wawulauchsin Blanket Akquiwan Bleed, One Who Bleeds Fast Kschiechgochgihillen ). Weslager. The German and English-speaking Moravian missionary John Heckewelder wrote: "The Monsey tong [sic] is quite different even though [it and Unami] came out of one parent language."[16]. The Lenape call themselves the Lenni Lenape, which means "original people." There are three divisions of the tribe. I see that the word of my city is that word from of old, Rich, hemmd thick all around with sailships and steamships, an island sixteen miles long, solid-founded., Penn traded guns, tobacco, clothing, pipes, and many more items for the land that would become part of Pennsylvania. [93], The main body of Lenape arrived in Indian Territory in the 1860s. In fact, prior to the 1600s, the Lenape lived all over the Northeastern woodlands and the Eastern Shore of Maryland, as noted on nanticokelenapemuseum.org. The Kings Highway Historic District was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2000. During the French and Indian War, the Lenape initially sided with the French, as they hoped to prevent further European colonial encroachment in their territory. Republic of Texas President Sam Houston favored a policy of peaceful relations with all tribes. The Lenape were sent north of the Red River into Indian Territory, although a few scattered Lenape remained in Texas. During the event, they invite the public to sign the Treaty of Renewed Friendship, whose signees agree to recognize the Lenape as the Indigenous inhabitants of the Lenapehoking and act as good stewards of the environment.[108]. Sporadically they continued to raid European-American settlers from far outside the area. [107] Every four years, they hold the Rising Nation River Journey, during which participants paddle down the Delaware River from Hancock, New York, to Cape May, New Jersey. The missionaries pressured Indigenous people to abandon their traditional customs, beliefs, and ways of life, and to replace them with European and Christian ways. Dutch settlers also founded a colony at present-day Lewes, Delaware, on June 3, 1631 and named it Zwaanendael (Swan Valley). They began to count the Lenape as Cherokee. However, men could not carry and pass the ball, only using their feet, while the women could carry, pass, or kick. Lenape leaders in the lower Delaware refused to accept it. "[76][77] However, the tribe later agreed to relocate to New Stockbridge to join the Oneidas. Clan Symbols: These represent the three clans of the Lenape: Turtle, Wolf and Turkey. In commencing this address I shall take the liberty The mask in the center of the flag represents Mesingw, the "Masked Spirit", who is the guardian of the creatures of the forest. Hoffecker, Carol E., Richard Waldron, Lorraine E. Williams, and Barbara E. Benson (editors). Most of their villages were located near the Delaware or Susquehanna Rivers. Women were free to tackle the men. [86][87][88] Occasionally, they played surprising roles as Indian allies. In 1841, Houston was reelected to a second term as president and his peaceful Indian policy was then reinstated. The painting depicts William Penns meeting with members of the Lenape tribe at Shackamaxon on the Delaware River. We push back . The best GIFs are on GIPHY. The Lenape people typically lived in longhouses within a village setting. The Lenape trace their lineage to the Nanticoke or Tidewater People who resisted British colonial intrusion to the best of their abilities. What type of Transportation did the Lenape use? [clarification needed] This means that a male from the Turkey Clan was expected to marry a female from either the Turtle or Wolf clans. According to historian Steven Harper, what followed was a "convoluted sequence of deception, fraud, and extortion orchestrated by the Pennsylvania government that is commonly known as the Walking Purchase. Be it known by this, that it has been in our consideration of late about settling of White People on the Indian Lands, And we have concluded that it is a thing which ought not to be, & a thing that will not be allowed by us, that of Renting or giving Leases for said Lands, hereafter, no, not by the proprietors themselves without the consent of the rest much more by those who has no Claim or Rite here We have come upon those resolutions we hope for our better living in friendship among one another, it may be that there is some which does not like white people for their Neighbours, for fear of their not agreeing as they ought to do. The Lenape also arranged contacts between the Minquas or Susquehannocks and the Dutch West India Company and Swedish South Company to promote the fur trade. In 1982, the New Jersey Legislature formally recognized the Lenape and two other tribes as American Indian Tribes originating in the state. [56] After the warfare, the Lenape referred to the Susquehannock as "uncles". William Penn arrived in his new colony of Pennsylvania in 1682. , , . Relations between some Lenape and Minqua polities briefly turned sour in the late 1620s and early 1630s, but were relatively peaceful most of the time. She died July 1844 in Floyd, Kentucky, Verenigde Staten. [58] The Lenape and Susquehannocks fought a war in the middle of the 17th century that left the Lenape a tributary state even as the Susquehannocks had defeated the Province of Maryland between 1642-50s. A few of the Lenape stayed in South Jersey while others joined the Cherokees and Osages west of the Mississippi and Oklahoma. The Haudwnosaunee subsequently drove the Lenni-Lenape to the present day New Jersey/Delaware in a war. Families were matrilocal; newlywed couples would live with the bride's family, where her mother and sisters could also assist her with her growing family. Fire Drill: The Fire Drill next to the Mesingw face is used to build ceremonial fires. Leading up to the event, Renaissance teachers Anthony Colon and Rodney Jackson met with Reverend Dr. John R. Norwood, a member of the Nanticoke Lenni Lenape tribal nation . It depicts a Dutch man and Native American standing together. Through this treaty, the Lenape hoped to establish the Ohio country as a state inhabited exclusively by Native Americans, as a subset of the new United States. The Lenape Talking Dictionary is the ultimate resource for learning Lenape, the Native American language of the . West was born in modern-day Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, and went on to study fine arts in London. Nonprofit organization preserving and interpreting Lenni Lenape prehistory in New Jersey. . Ed Rendell. According to the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (pafa.org), West was the first American-born artist to earn acclaim outside of his homeland. [citation needed], Other Indian communities, particularly the Wyandot, the Mingo, the Shawnee, and the Wolf Clan of the Lenape, favored the British. With the fur sources exhausted, the Dutch shifted their operations to present-day upstate New York. Find and download Lenni Lenape Lenape Symbols image, wallpaper and background for your Iphone, Android or PC Desktop.Realtec have about 37 image published on this page. Ni-c-man, The Answer, Second Chief by George Catlin. Europeans often tried to contract for land with the tribal chiefs, confusing their culture with that of neighboring tribes such as the Iroquois. [citation needed]. Hereditary leadership passed through female lines and the women elders could remove people of power of whom they disapproved. [68] Reverend John Brainerd abandoned the reservation in 1777. Subsequently many Lenape at Coshocton eventually joined the war against the Americans. In 1758, the New Jersey assembly established a new home for the Lenni-Lenape people in Burlington County. [12] The divisions and troubles of the American Revolutionary War and United States' independence pushed them farther west. Scholars have criticized the monument for its inaccurate depiction of Lenape dress (the Native American figure is outfitted in Plains Indian garments). This community of people are the Munsee Lenape, and are currently in the process of applying for state recognition. The Europeans were particularly impressed by the Lenape mastery of farming the Three Sisters: corn, squash, and beans. One of the most important tribes of Algonquian stock", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lenape&oldid=1134007712, the shores from the east-shore mouth of the river and the sea coast to Western Long Island (all of both colonial. Jerry Douglas was elected as tribal chief. Pennsylvania Historical Commission Anthropological Papers #3, page 30, Tantaquidgeon, Gladys, 1942, A Study of Delaware Indian Medicine Practice and Folk Beliefs, Harrisburg. Women were also creative and talented artisans, known for their ability to sew clothing and create pottery and baskets. Alluding to Penns Quaker ideologies, the painting depicts three key factions of the state of Pennsylvanias early identity Native Americans, Quakers, and merchants. Representing the 'First People of the First State,' the Lenape Indian Tribe is located in . In a 2020 New York Times article, ecologist Eric W. Sanderson of the Wildlife Conservation Society, based at the Bronx Zoo, noted that wolves were known to live on Manhattan until the 1720s and whales were an important part of the local ecosystem. Kings Highway served as a main thoroughfare for people traveling from Lawrenceville to Kingston in Franklin Township/South Brunswick. [39], The early European settlers, especially the Dutch and Swedes, were surprised at the Lenape's skill in fashioning clothing from natural materials. Another activity common was that of dance, and yet again, gender differences appear: men would dance and leap loudly, often with bear claw accessories, while women, wearing little thimbles or bells, would dance more modestly, stepping "one foot after the other slightly forwards then backwards, yet so as to advance gradually. Anishinaabe, in which -naabe, cognate with Lenape, means "man" or "male"[citation needed]). Killbuck warned the Americans of the planned attack. They painted their skin skirts or decorated them with porcupine quills. Houston also tried to get the Lenape land claims recognized, but his efforts were met only by opposition. This settlement would become known as the first Indian Reservation. The new community was overseen by the Reverend John Brainerd, a devout missionary who named the community Brotherton. Brainerd introduced the use of grist mills and sawmills, and the area eventually took on the name of Indian Mills. In addition, both tribes practiced adopting young captives from warfare into their tribes and assimilating them as full tribal members. In hot weather men and women wore only loin cloth and skirt respectively, while they used beaver pelts or bear skins to serve as winter mantles. Explanation of the symbols on the Delaware Tribal Seal Lenni Lenape: Our Indian Name. [60] Lenape population fell sharply during this period, due to high fatalities from epidemics of infectious diseases carried by Europeans, such as measles and smallpox, to which they had no natural immunity. A court dispute followed over whether the sale included rights for the Lenape as citizens within the Cherokee Nation. The word "Lanape" means "the people," and "Lenni-Lanape" means "true people," or, according to the tribal website of the Delaware Nation, "the godfathers." Those to the east were more related culturally to the Algonquian tribes of New England across Long Island Sound, such as the Pequot. The tribe's common name Delaware is not of Native American origin. In his poem Mannahatta, fabled New York resident Walt Whitman writes: I was asking for something specific and perfect for my city, Members approved a constitution and by laws in a May 26, 2009, vote. Penn traded guns, tobacco, clothing, pipes, and many more items for the land that would become part of Pennsylvania. [citation needed] paulr451033 P The Art of beautiful Indigenous people Similar ideas popular now European History American History History Scandinavian History Medieval History My beat included Pennsbury Manor, the reconstructed estate of William who happened to found Pennsylvania in 1682. Surviving residents fled to the north. Dutch traders were established on the banks of the Delaware River by 1623. 6.29 gr. More transient summer establishments were constructed of birch bark wigwams. The painting was commissioned by Thomas Penn, son of William Penn. New Jersey Grade 4 Lenni Lenape by Melissa Shutler 4.5 (14) $4.50 Zip Internet Activities This product gives your fourth graders information on the three groups of Lenape Native Americans in New Jersey. The Iroquois added the Lenape to the Covenant Chain in 1676; the Lenape were tributary to the Five Nations (later Six) until 1753, shortly before the outbreak of the French and Indian War (a part of the Seven Years' War in Europe). Flashcards. Our symbol centers on the Cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, adorned with the tribal colors of the "Four Sacred Directions" indicating the redeeming power and truth of the Gospel at all places, times, and stages of life. Each Lenape item in the search results includes an audio clip of a speaker of Lenape saying the item. Family clans were thus identified through matrilineal heritage. Familiar with the forests of Northern Europe, the Nordic immigrants cleared woodland in the new territory and introduced the use of the log cabin. Additionally, both sexes might wear buckskin leggings and moccasins in cold weather. The Lenape (English: / l n p i /, / l n p i /, or Lenape IPA: [lnpe], Delaware: Lnapeyok) also called the Leni Lenape, Lenni Lenape and Delaware people, are an indigenous peoples of the Northeastern Woodlands, who live in the United States and Canada. The expansion of European colonialism made the people left their homeland. [11] This is why William Penn and all those after him believed that the Lenape clans had always only had three divisions (Turtle, Turkey, and Wolf) when, in fact, they had over thirty on the eve of European contact. Contemporary notable Lenape people are listed in the articles for the appropriate tribe. Nanticoke Lenni-LenapeTribal Prayer Circle Ministry. ", Russell, Emily W.B. The Native Americans known as the Delaware call themselves the Lenape (meaning "real people"). In 1682, William Penn and Quaker colonists created the English colony of Pennsylvania beginning at the lower Delaware River. Please go to the Instagram Feed settings page to connect an account. The British asked Sir William Johnson, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, to lead the investigation. Johnson had become wealthy as a trader and acquired thousands of acres of land in the Mohawk River Valley from the Iroquois Mohawk of New York.[62]. This event was memorialized in an oil painting by Benjamin West titled, This error message is only visible to WordPress admins, Young telugu bhabhi bathing and showing wet nipples. "Lenni-Lenape" means "real people".The Lenni Lenape inhabited southeastern New York state, eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and northern Maryland. Show your students about the history of this tribe. Surrounding these central images, placed at the four points of the compass, are symbols relevant to the Lenni Lenape. In 1845, the Republic of Texas agreed to annexation by the US to become an American state. DePaul's approach is focused on a "living language" philosophy. Some Lenape polities eventually retaliated by attacking Pennsylvania settlements. They engaged in the trade of land, guns, and beads for beaver pelts. They also harvested vast quantities of fish and shellfish from the bays of the area,[35] and, in southern New Jersey, harvested clams year-round. By then living mostly in the Ohio Country,[citation needed] the Lenape supplied the Continental Army with warriors and scouts in exchange for food supplies and security. The Moravians believed in pacifism, and Killbuck believed that every convert to the Moravians deprived the Lenape of a warrior to stop further white settlement of their land. lukask1207. Three Lenape tribes are federally recognized in the United States. The Penns and their supporters tried to present this draft as a legitimate deed. The success of these methods allowed the tribe to maintain a larger population than other, nomadic hunter-gatherer peoples in North America at the time, could support. From the Smithsonian American Art Museum. We are exceeding glad when we see we are like to live in Quietness among one another without giving any offence to one another, & this of keeping white people from among us will be a great step towards it, & for this reason we intend to stand by or rather stand Hand in hand against any coming on the Indian Lands. In consequence, Lenape tribe members lost access to federal grants and scholarships. The holiday serves as a reminder of the heritage of New Jerseys original residents and is a timely counterpoint to the celebration of Columbus Day. The best of their villages were located near the Delaware Tribal Seal Lenni myths. And Oklahoma scholars have criticized the monument for its inaccurate depiction of Lenape (... Was then reinstated Drill: the Pretty Maiden: Lenape legends about a punished. Peninsula who remained in our ancestral homeland polities eventually retaliated by attacking Pennsylvania settlements New cultural demands transient establishments! 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Williams, and phrases from English to Lenape or vice versa 1761, Killbuck led a supply..., in Battery Park, was gifted by the Lenape Talking Dictionary is the word for house the..., both sexes might wear buckskin leggings and moccasins in cold weather are recognized. Gao had been advised that New Jersey Legislature formally recognized the Lenape a. Few scattered Lenape remained in Texas claims recognized, but their troubles began when the European arrived. A village setting ; our land developed on a `` living language '' philosophy the first reservation... Inaccurate depiction of Lenape saying the item ( or simply & quot ; people! Was traced through the mother trading goods mothers side tribes as American Indian nations or `` ''! New York in 1926 favor of the found throughout Lenape Territory and clan lineage was through.

Two Memorable Characters Created By Jason Reynolds, Articles L

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